Kuwiat Base

Middle East Trip»Kuwait
On the base in Kuwait
  • Arrived in the camp in Kuwait ... Transient City    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Here is my tent ... men only ... no fraternizing and no alcohol    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • My bunk in the transient tent ... was lucky enough to get a spot on the bottom    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Almost no room at the Inn    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Would hate to have the top bunk on the top right    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The lavish accomodations ... transient lodging ... 3 days there ... first time in bunk beds.    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • My helmet and flak jacket/vest. The required attire for flying on MILAIR.    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The Latrine ... luckily not far from my tent ... need to drink a lot of water while out there ... ~40 degrees (Celsuis) during the day    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • What is that smell?  Seriously!!!  But not nearly as bad as the Port-a-Johns on the base    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Fortunately, did not have to worry about having change    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The local Laundrymat    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The showers ... make certain you have sandals or something to wear while in there ... who knows what you could catch    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Another view of the Transient Camp ... the things in the middle is where you go if there was an attack    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • A different form of sand volleyball .. never saw anyone playing though    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Home Sweet Home ... for the smokers    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The MWR (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The MWR (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation) ... WiFi was available for a nominal fee ... horrible signal & heavily overloaded ... some PCs were available (for free) after queueing for a long time    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The MWR (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation)    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The Exercise Room ... a decent set of equipment    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • The Exercise Room ... a decent set of equipment    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • Next Stop ... Kentucky?    [ JHB Travel Photos ]
  • McKuwait    [ JHB Travel Photos ]